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Firstly, a huge THANK YOU for even being here. Our thru-hike of the Pacific Crest Trail absolutely changed our lives for the better, and we couldn’t be more excited that you’re coming to us for any kind of information, preparation, or entertainment.


We’ve put in a ton of work to make sure we’re only bringing you the BEST in gear reviews, thru-hiking strategies, and valuable PCT content. While we don’t expect anything in return for this, it would mean the world to us if you chose to help support Pacific Crest Tale in any of the following ways.



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Super Extra Credit Bonus Points: If you’re going to be doing any kind of shopping on Amazon or our other affiliated merchants (for ANYTHING), our hearts and minds would be absolutely blown if you came through our site first to get there.



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Feeling crazy? As in crazy generous? If the will to do so overcomes you, you can also donate directly to Pacific Crest Tale. Your donation would help maintain the site, help keep it fresh with new and updated articles, and would be endlessly appreciated by our team.



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